Barbara Heck
BARBARA (Heck), Bastian Ruckle, son of Margaret Embury and Bastian Ruckle was born in Ballingrane in 1734. She married Paul Heck 1760 in Ireland. The couple had seven children from which four survived into childhood.
A biography usually features a subject who was an important participant in significant events, or who made distinctive statements or suggestions that were documented. Barbara Heck left neither letters or statements. The sole evidence concerning the time of the marriage from second-hand sources. Through the entirety of her adulthood it is not possible to find original sources to allow us to reconstruct her motives and actions. However, she has become an iconic figure in the early years of North American Methodism theology. Biographers must establish the myth, describe it and describe the person whom is honored within.
Abel Stevens, Methodist historian of 1866. Barbara Heck has taken the top spot in the New World's list of ecclesiastical leaders due to the rise of Methodism. Her record is based more on the weight of the cause she has been connected to than the private life. Barbara Heck, who was unintentionally involved in the founding of Methodism both in America and Canada, is a woman whose fame stems from the tendency of a successful institution or movement to exalt its origins to reinforce its belief in the continuity and history.

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